About us

About Us

We are three sisters Julie,Abri, and Rai, who own a small Date company.


It was started by our Daddy and Grandpa about 15 years ago. They started planting offshoots, which are pups from a mother tree

From there as the trees grew they removed more offshoots and kept planting. As we grew older we would also go out to the orchard to help dig holes for new trees.


Tragically we lost our Daddy to a hit-and-run driver. Grandpa would pick us up, and we would go work at the farm.

Unfortunately, Grandpa has health issues but continues to work the Date trees.

He asked us if we would like to start a business with him, and we all responded with an enthusiastic yes.

Grandpa decided that he would incorporate the business, and as a result, he decided to put us as the sole shareholders.

All that work has come to fruition.
Our date trees are producing, so we decided to sell our Dates online, directly to the consumer without any middleman.

We grow, pick, package, and ship directly to the customers.

We consider our Dates to be just as good as the larger companies.

Grandpa continues to oversee the day-to-day operations until we finish our education.

That’s how we started, hope you liked our story, and buy our Dates.

Sincerely, Julie, Abri, and Rai

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